If you have been around management circles for a bit then you should have heard just about enough buzz words. But I'm sure one more wont hurt.
The Knee Jerk Management style is unfortunately one that we all fall back on more often than we should. My worry is however not about those of us who fall back on it intermittently as it is about people who never shift out of this management mode.
Here are a few pointers you are stuck in the Knee Jerk Management mode;
- You can not clearly state your Mission in one sentence.
- The last time you looked at your plan for the year was when you wrote it down (if you wrote it that is)
- The reason your company is on the internet is that everyone else is (a symptom of the reason you do most other things).
Knee Jerk mangement condemns you to reacting to the urgent when you ought to be pursuing the important. Quit being a knee-jerk manager.