Thursday, January 28, 2010

BREAKING NEWS! I just acquired the Oxygen Franchise.

That sounds like the most fantastic news, doesn't it? To imagine that any one person can acquire the exclusive rights to market oxygen to humanity, that gives me what... a monopoly of 6 billion clients?

As extreme as it might sound, I actually do have the exclusive rights to market oxygen to mankind ... well something to that effect. The whole concept that each one of us has a unique purpose to fulfil on earth literaly translates that we each have something that nobody else has to offer to the rest of the world. It can be further deduced that if the rest of the world didn't need what we exclusively have to offer, we wouldn't be here.

Purpose is like spiritual DNA - no two people have the same purpose. Realising that you have a unique purpose is discovering that you just inherited a secret recipe to solve a global problem. Building a business out of that recipe is entirely up to you. It will be a shame to just let that recipe go to waste and leave the world deprived of the solution that it needs.

Build a business around your purpose and get ready for six billion customers.

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