Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Drink Responsibly!

I was talking with a friend who works with an international consultancy firm yesterday and she went on about how it is getting tougher for the firm because of the melt down on one hand and the corruption in the public sector which is the only sector where consultants can still earn a decent living on the other.

Corruption is everywhere, it is just more in-your-face when you engage with the public sector. Another friend of mine who works with a quasi-government agency tells of how rather than give brown envelopes to media men as the general odious practice is, they engage some 'media consultant' who takes care of such shoddy business from his fees (which has of course factored in such payments).

No doubt ethics can be a really grey issue for most people and organizations; it can indeed be challenging to determine where to draw the line - to give or not to give. Here's the rule that I try to live by and which I highly recommend. If it looks and smells like dog rap - what's your business tasting it to confirm?

Trying to find a way to rebrand a bribe is as contradictory as the title of this blog. There's just no way to drink responsibly - it's irresponsible to drink.

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