Thursday, April 8, 2010

Making a kill VS Squandering goodwill

when you sell a bottle of coke for thrice the standard retail price just because you can - that sounds a lot like impunity to me.
I went to the galleria last night to see a movie (it was a wonderful movie by the way titled 'the blind side') and had to buy a bottle of coke for N300. The only reason I or most other people just pay and get their drink is because there is simply no where else to buy it cheaper in the galleria. Essentially, it is a monopoly and it simply fixes whatever price that suits it for a basic retail commodity - not some designer item. This pricing model is also very popular at the airports but am not sure even they carry their extortion this far.
Shall we charge an amount for a product simply because we can (make a kill) or shall we take care of our costs and then charge a decent profit? Perhaps this is not one of those dilemas that one can find a trite verse for but where that is the case how about the golden rule? Would you like to buy that product at the price that you are offering it for sale? Just switch places with the customer or client and see how you feel about things.
when you have a pricing model that says 'get as much as you possibly can' you progressively squander goodwill. All it will take to topple you is just another shop opening down the block.

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