It's great to know all the business buzz words; strategy, TQM, B2C, ROI, Innovation, ROE, etc. (no that's not a business buzz word it's good old et cetera), but building a great enterprise boils down to one simple word - SERVICE.
Enterprise is not built on a series of transactions but on a collection of relationships and relationships can only be sustained by continuous satisfactory service.
Jesus puts it unequivocally: "if you want to be great... you have to be the servant of all". Typically, we are averse to the thought of being servants. No doubt it connotes several realities that most people would rather not have and I guess that's why we don't have that many great people or enterprises. In reality, to offer service is not equal to being servile, the first is an attitude the other is a personality.
The human soul is embedded with a programme that expects service; everyone wants to be treated with respect and given honour. If your enterprise continuously meets this intrinsic human need, you are on the path to greatness.