Friday, March 5, 2010


Leadership is ultimately two words: Compassion and Integrity, no more no less.The two feet of a leader are planted firmly on these two bedrocks. Without any, leadership has nothing to stand upon; with either missing, leadership teeters precariously.
No one can lead successfully without caring about the people/course he is leading or seeing the change that the people desire to happen. As is popularly quoted, "no one cares what you know until they know that you care". Nonchalance is clearly not the stuff of leadership, if you don't care, you can't lead.
Now integrity is the other thing that compels you to lead. Integrity is staying true to what you believe to be right. You can't believe people are headed in the wrong direction and not seize the occassion to lead them aright.
Compassion and Integrity are an amalgam of all leadership values;
Starting a business is often a strong indication that a person is a leader because both are fundamentally about birthing change. The critical question then is, can you say that your business is built on the two leadership bedrock values of Compassion and Integrity?
Ultimately, success in business is only sustainable when built on these two core values of leadership.

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